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LAVILLE & Co at the ONU Habitat III Conference

Hello World, Every 20 years, ONU hold a worldwide conference about habitat and urban development. This conference happens this year in Quito (Equator) South America. 36000 visitors, exhibitors, and nation representatives are expected to attend and move forward with the

A New way to sort the wastes-

Hello World, LAVILLE & Co creates a new way to sort the wastes, which can be used worldwide. The idea is to have any waste producer (you, me, everybody) to only sort the wastes in 3 classes: organic, clean, dirty.

LAVILLE short version 2mn30 ENGLISH!

Hello world,  The short version of the 17mn video is now on line. You can enjoy it and see the longer version if you wish. Don’t forget to pass the links to your friends and relatives. Thanks and good day.